Call the office: 919-467-4944 and ask to speak with a pastor, Submit Online: Your help or prayer request will be relayed to the pastoral staff, and if desired, your prayer request will be printed in the bulletin. Go to online prayer request form →
Caregivers Ministry Team
The Caregivers Ministry Team, made up of pastors and volunteers, prays over the congregational prayer list, visits those in need, organizes meal trains, sustains an active card ministry, celebrates the birthdays of our oldest Kirk members, and partners to provide funeral receptions for bereaved families.
As ordained officers of the church, our Deacons serve the members of The Kirk who are unable to attend worship or church functions by offering regular visits, check ins, and home communion.
Stephen Ministers
The Kirk’s Stephen Ministry program provides one-to-one care for people undergoing crisis or transition in their lives. Through extensive training, regular supervision, and continuing education, our Stephen Ministers seek to provide spiritually-based confidential care to those in need. For more information or to request a Stephen Minister, please email Caryn Mastali below.