Presbyterian Women Mini-Retreat
Weaving Wisdom: Order, Disorder, Reorder
February 1, 2025 || 11am-3pm || Kirk of Kildaire, Presbyterian Gathering Place
“He said to me, Human one, these bones are the entire house of Israel. They say, ‘Our bones are dried up, and our hope has perished. We are finished. So now, prophesy and say to them, The Lord God Proclaims: I’m opening your graves! I will raise you up from your graves, my people, and I will bring you to Israel’s fertile land.” Ezekiel 37:11-12
Some of us thrive in chaos, but nobody likes it. Life feels much safer when we can hang onto the illusion of control and have some semblance of what the day holds. And yet, life doesn’t work like that. We don’t—and can’t—live in a completely ordered world. The leaking roof, the lost job, the car accident, the twelfth negative pregnancy test, the cancer diagnosis, the aging parents, the unsettled feeling that something has to change or something has to give— there are times when disorder creeps in and our beautiful, safe, lovely world is left teetering on edge if not shattered on the floor.
There is a pattern that Franciscan Priest Father Richard Rohr calls the Wisdom Pattern—a pattern that moves from order to disorder to reorder. This is called the Wisdom Pattern because wisdom comes in recognizing that periods of disorganization and chaos are steps in the journey toward renewal and are the keys to cultivating resilience, faith, and purpose in an uncertain world.
Come join the Presbyterian Women and Pastor Hannah Trawick for an in-town, one-day retreat to explore this more deeply—to learn together, grow together, and be together.
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