Participating in the Work of God
Faith in God through Christ fills us with a sense of gratitude and a desire to participate in the work of God. When our hearts are grateful, we seek to be faithful to God in every aspect of our lives.
The Spirituality of Giving
Stewardship is a part of our discipleship giving and is an outward expression of our inward faith. Christian stewards are motivated to share their time, gifts, and finances not so much to meet a church budget but as a visible way to live out our faith.
Ways to Give
Offering Plate
We invite you to give in person during our Sunday worship services.
By Mail
Mail your check to:
200 High Meadow Dr
Cary, NC 27511
Other ways to give at the Kirk include tax-free IRA gifts, gifts of stock, and endowment gifts.
To explore these options contact Ellen Chambers, Kirk Finance Manager.
Collections & Special Offerings
The Kirk collects non-perishable food throughout the year to stock our on-site “client choice” Food Pantry, a model which allows individuals to select items that their family needs. In addition to food, our neighbors can select paper products (including diapers and toilet paper), hygiene items and COVID test kits.
Donations may be left in the cart beside the elevator outside the office or in the bin by the drive through. Specific requests are listed in the weekly Sunday bulletin.
From time to time, the congregation is challenged to bring food or other supplies to help meet specific needs of our neighbors or our partner organizations.
This fund is used to help church and community members who are struggling with rent or utilities. Through your generous giving, the Pastors have the resources to help those who come to the Kirk in their time of need. We ask you to give to this fund by writing “Pastor’s Benevolence Fund” on your check or on an envelope, and all loose offerings on the 3rd Sunday of the month also go to this fund. Thanks to your giving, we have been able to help those who are struggling and represent to them the care and love of Jesus Christ. You may also donate to this fund via our online giving platform.
This annual fundraiser (typically on the last “Sundae” in July) involves free peach ice cream served on the patio after worship to raise funds to support a designated mission project.
This offering is typically collected in the fall of each year and funds projects such as agricultural development, child care, community organization, criminal justice, drug counseling, economic justice, elderly care, employment training, homelessness, literacy, violence and women’s concerns. At least 40 percent of this offering supports health ministries throughout the world. The remaining 60 percent funds new creative mission projects.
This offering is usually collected in the spring of each year and funds up to five projects that are not included in ongoing Presbyterian General Assembly mission support, such as agricultural development, economic justice, elderly care, employment training, and women’s concerns.